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was today FREE DAY or something?

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i had an interesting day today. i started it with a long list of errands, to-do things i had been putting off and that had been irritating me – so i was determined to get them accomplished!

first on the list … find some car place to scrape the stickers off my car [which would be a bit tricky with the tinted windows] … but alas! i drove right into “kwik lube tire and auto” and the really nice guy not only took three stickers off my windows, washed the windows, vacuumed the car, and topped off my fluids – FREE… and i have never been there before!

next, i needed to get my car antenna replaced. the volvo dealership had given me an outrageous estimate so i decided to shop around and i found a rubber nubby very cute & really reasonable. i asked the guy who sold it how to install it and he said that usually i would need to make an appointment and it would cost between $50 and $85 for the labor [depending on how hard it was to access and take out my old antenna], but since he had nothing scheduled right then, he offered to do it …. FREE!

i was feeling pretty good by now. i was not only checking items to do off my eternal list, i was saving money and rethinking my position on the selfishness of the amercian people.

next – i was off to the car toys to check out cell phones. i had seen an ad in the paper and thought i might could get my husband and i a good upgrade at a better price than online. turns out we were not quite eligible for upgrades untilĀ  december, but with a simple call and 2 rebates, i walked out of the store with 2 new and improved cell phones for….yay! … you got it… FREE!

a FREE dr. pepper while i was waiting for my daughter to have her lab work completed finished up my day wonderfully. i have recently sworn off soft drinks but who could pass up this nectar of the gods when it is offered so kindly and ….FREE?

so now you get the name of this blog. i have decided that i liked today very, very much. i think everyday should be FREE DAY,.. it just might be the secret that today’s struggling businesses need to attract and retain customers.or it may reflect a real change in the attitude and outlook of amercian’s due to the recent election. i don’t know but i sincerely liked it …. a lot!