[with a z] ...

such frivolous things as manners …


i know, i haven’t blogged in a while. i’ve decided that i am a popcorn blogger;  someone that decides to blog when an idea, thought, or reason pops up, in other words, sporatically. i admire people who blog daily, monthly or even regularly but that’s not me. so, today i had a thought…. actually, it’s been in my head for awhile now but i have never felt the urge to write much about it until now. i wrote a similar blog a while back but this one is a bit more simple, straight-forward and to the point. it’s about manners. first of all, let me say that manners are not frivolous. manners do not beg interpretation. unlike many things, there is an unspoken yet globally agreed-on set of basic rules that are the very least that we, as members of the universal society , can do to assist in spreading just a little bit of civility, peace, and respect throughout our world. it is the first and foremost step to humanitarian action. manners are essential in a human society. i do not understand why some people feel like the use of them are optional. technically, i guess one does have the freedom to choose whether or not they  engage in mannerly behavior  but i simply do not understand anyone who would choose not to. are they trying to make a point that nobody dictates anything to them? are they trying to make a point to the person to whom the manners should be directed that they do not acknowledge, appreciate or respect them? do they have some sort of impairment or disorder such as attention deficit [a.d.d.] that interferes with their memory every single time they need to make an effort?


specific manners differ around the world.  however, there are certain actions of primary decency inherent in every society that have evolved for the survival of the species which include peace, respect [funny how that word keeps coming up] and a general sense of just “being nice” that is internally or even externally based, in some people’s situations, that is necessary in the global community. having experienced  numerous occasions where some he or she did not even bother to be mannerly,   i have come to the conclusion that people like this are either mentally challenged [they simply do not and cannot understand], egotistical, immature, manipulative,  or just plain mean. i can no longer give excuse to store clerks who do not greet their customers in a pleasant manner, to friends that fail to communicate at least minimally, to anyone that receives a gift [relished or not] and does not issue some form of thank you, to children that address their parents inconsiderately, to those fake nice people who use tone and facial expression to insult, or to any of the many people out there that somehow, somewhere decided not to practice this basic human survival tactic. in addition, it is my view that people guilty of being non-mannerly should apologize [another basic human survival tactic]  to the person to which they acted upon such a way. i have a theory, supported by research [it is late, i will be glad to provide sources upon request later], that natural selection is still occurring. who do you think will be the ones to survive? the mannerly or the non-mannerly? i don’t think the answer to that is even a question. if you do not have manners, you may get away with it for awhile, with people to whom you’ve convinced you have a valid reason for acting in such a barbaric way, but in the end, you will have fewer friends,  less respect in your family and community, and most probably, less satisfying marriages and i would leap to surmise, less successful children than those who practice being mannerly . those with manners have succeeded in the first step of looking beyond themselves and it is these people and their bloodlines which will endure through the process of natural selection. social behavior is as important as physical attributes, mental prowess or emotional awareness. there is a song entitled ‘only the strong survive‘. true human strength is a combination of many elements. so think about it. are you mannerly? is there someone you need to go back and make things right with because of your dis-mannerly conduct? do people respect you or have a lowered opinion of you because of your lack of polite ways? do you evenlike yourself? perhaps you need to garner respect for  yourself before you can even begin to take the baby step of branching out to be respectful of others. don’t wait; if you do, you might find yourself “voted off the island“.


there simply is no excuse for this kind of rudeness and to me, that is exactly what people who do not practice proper manners [whether they feel like it or not] are; simply rude. i was on a social networking site tonight chatting with a gentleman from yorkshire. he asked me what i liked so much about england in contrast to the united states [i had made several comments to that effect on my profile].  one of my answers was simply manners.  to take it a bit further, think of maslow’s heirarchy. basic needs must be fulfilled before one can move on to attaining lesser needs and eventually desires. it is the same with manners. if a person never learns to be mannerly, they will simply become stuck within thier own selfishness and be unable to progress through the social conventions designed for success, fulfillment and joy. i do not  know about you, but i would not  want to spend my whole life missing out on those things i wholeheartedly admit that no one is perfect; i am sure i have offended a few people in my lifetime and i have tried to make things right, general statement right here and now,  i apologize. the thing is, our world is what we are. a lot of people out there are trying to make it better. they moved past this manners thing a long time ago. these are the people that are changing our world. musicians like bono, coldplay, greenday; organizations like oxfam, amnesty international , and conservation international;  politians like barack obama [obama’s angels]; independent groups like the elders. how does it make you feel to read about all the things these people are doing while you refuse to utter so much as a simply thank you?  please, don’t brag about “going green” or  volunteering at a homeless shelter if you don’t have the decency to be a proper human first. in summation, i  could rant on for hours about this and tell you stories you would not believe but i wi’ll end for now. i am sure you have gotten my point. if you are one of these un-mannerly people, do yourself and our world a favor… look past yourself and start in on the manners. you just might find it brings more to you than you put out. thank you for taking time to read this blog. i felt it was important and feel much better having had my say. good day!

find out about yourself

do i have good manners?

are you rude or nice?

rudeness, interrupted: are you rude?

helpful hints

how to be polite

how to be polite to everyone

how to have good manners


fed up with rudeness?

how to handle rude people

reward yourself

i practice good manners T-shirt

*note: there is a plethora of great books out there on manners; one of my favorites is “Miss Manners: Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior”, but remember, you have to read it, not just use it as a home decor accessory


power surge temporarily disables introvert

edvard munch’s “the scream”

edvard munch’s “the scream”

i am an introvert. according to the myers-briggs type indicator, that means i get my energy from within. and what that means is that no matter how much i like them, people, especially extroverts, draw energy from me. a simple concept with many implications….

case in point. last night i totally lost my mind. i mean lost as in, it wasn’t there. i could not think. i could not remember anything. i was literally walking in circles. my mind felt fried. why? my introversion?  asperger’s? anxiety?

well, the day started with me being a bit stressed because i had friends coming over  [a couple and their 4-yr-old child] . i do not really have people over but i had been to their house so much and they had been so gracious that i knew it was “my turn”. plus, the guy was going to look at and fix the brakes on my volvo saving me about a thousand dollars. ok, so that much i figured i could handle, and if the kids played nice and quietly, might even enjoy. i pictured my friend and i sitting peacefully on the couch, her husband at work in my garage and the kids upstairs cooking imaginary food in the play kitchen.

this did not happen.

the couple [both extroverts] appeared stressed when they got here. they were bickering and going in and out  of the door taking turns smoking [i hate smoke and the noise of doors opening and closing]. but, i really count these people as friends so it was fine. the man soon left to get his tools [which he had forgotten] and change clothes and was to be back in about 20 minutes. he did not show up for several hours, leaving his wife upset and in a worse mood. to add to that, the poor woman had a headache. we tried to watch a movie but the one she chose was pans labyrinth and i had forgotten it was subtitled. neither of us felt like reading a movie so that ended quickly.

i failed to mention that just a few minutes before they arrived, my 22-year-old daughter [another extrovert and at times, drama queen] called and needed rescuing from a restaurant about 30 miles away… telling me she was stuck for 5.5 hours and she hated her life and needed a ride. i told her i had company coming [who did not have cell phones] and i could not get away, making me feel a bit guilty and even more anxious. i am sure a bit of this was normal maternal worry – the rest just me.

meanwhile, back at the house, we were still waiting for brakeman to return and our kids started playing very loud and running up and down the stairs. i corrected my usually very well-behaved son and she tried to calm her daughter with no success. at the same time, my 11-year-old daughter returned from a sleepover with a friend and decided that they would both hang out at our house. this involved a loud walkie-talkie that her friend carries everywhere, periodic giggling [which is not bad but added to the already rising noise quotient] ,blaring songs from the internet and more door opening and closing and stair running.

about that time, my best friend called me from out of state telling me she was feeling down. i was really concerned about her but the day had already rendered me feeling unable to help or even talk much. she knew i had company and hung up quickly although i told her it was ok which, through absolutely no fault of hers, added to my guilt, stress, and mounting anxiety.

ding, dong. ding dong. what now?  a lady i did not know at the front door. it was my daughters friend’s mother who had decided [very nicely] to come over and introduce herself. i invited her in and attempted to include my other friend in our conversation but felt very pulled and distracted as we talked. she stayed about 45 minutes during which time my other friend was making multiple phone calls to her husband [in the same room] asking where he was and pacing back and forth.  about that time the kids came down hungry. my daughters friend’s mother left and then brakeman came back, without tools or supplies, saying he couldn’t get the brake parts because he was $1.98 short. i then had the option of packing up everyone in my house and going to the store myself or just saying forget it. i said forget it and made plans to do it later.

more smoking.

more doors opening and closing; sometimes slamming.

i think i was beginning to act like a senior with dementia.

i fed the kids, offered to drive the couple by the bank [long story] and left my daughter cooking ramen, which at the time of my departure, she had already messed up by putting the pasta in before the water boiled and so i had to help her start all over…

i got in the car; happy to be alone with my son and no one else. then… my cell phone started ringing. omfg i thought i was going to literally go crazy. i managed to get through the bank thing, get home, get my kids in bed, shower, and then stare blankly at the tv for about 5 minutes before falling fast asleep.

today, i feel physically beat-up, my mind is less than alert [and that is an understatement] and i have absolutely no energy. i honestly think i am going to have to regulate my social interaction [especially with extroverts]. that seems so horrible but i do not seem able to function with such overload.

oh yeah, and the printer broke. twice. grape jelly fell on my almost-white carpet. and my son’s adorable but rambunctious playmate tried to saw my white walls with a toy tool. oh, and the drilling! i almost forgot about the drilling. the kids were playing with toy drills all day and this loud wiggles guitar; something my son never cares much to play with when he is alone. errrgh.

obviously, this is a venting blog and one that i am sure is more for me than anyone else.

even writing this was exhausting.

so now, i am going to take my son [who starts preschool in 2 days yay!] and grab a coffee, plan nothing else for the rest of the month, and try to recover.

if anyone involved in yesterday’s circus reads this, know i love you but i have some idiosyncrasies that if i do not respect, leave me pretty much disabled, if only temporary.

i posted the song below because a quiet mind is what i need now and i can honestly say my husband is one of about 3 people on earth that has this effect on me. the other two should know who you are.

this is actually lipsync to blue october; but all the concert videos are terrible as well as the anime ones.